NAMRG Director Kumar Sridharan has been named Grainger Professor by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Engineering. Sridharan’s expertise focuses on nuclear reactor materials, corrosion in reactor-relevant environments, radiation effects in materials, surface modification and coating technologies, advanced materials characterization and testing, and intersections of materials science and manufacturing. He has over 350 publications in these areas including seven invited book chapters, journal articles, reviewed conference proceedings, and industry reports. He serves on the editorial committee of the journal, Advanced Materials & Processes and is a member of the Nuclear Materials Committee of the Metallurgical Society (TMS). He is the recipient of Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof. Sridharan is an elected Fellow of American Society for Materials, Fellow of Institute of Materials, UK, and Fellow of American Nuclear Society in recognition of his contributions in areas of metallurgy, manufacturing, materials for nuclear energy systems, surface engineering of materials, and education.