“Corrosion of 316L & 316H Stainless Steel in Molten LiF-NaF-KF (FLiNaK)”, W. Doniger, C. Falconer, A. Couet, and K. Sridharan, accepted in Journal of Nuclear Materials (in press), 2023.
“Novel Effects of Grain Size and Ion Implantation on Grain Boundary Segregation in Ion Irradiated Austenitic Steel”, A. Hoffman, Y. Zhang, M. Arivu, L. He, K. Sridharan, Y. Wu, R. Islamgaliev, R. Valiev, and H. Wen, Acta Materialia, v. 246, 2023, 118714.
“Cold Spray Manufacturing of Oxide-dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steels using Gas-atomized and Ball-milled 14YWT Powders”, H. Yeom, D. Hoelzer, S. Maloy, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, v. 174, 2023 154187.
“An Electrochemical Mesoscale Tool for Modeling the Corrosion of Structural Alloys by Molten Salt”, C. Bhave, M. Tonks, G. Zheng, K. Sridharan, and D. Schwen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 574, 2023, 154147.
“Friction Surfacing and Cold Spray Deposition for Surface Crack Repair in Austenitic Stainless Steels”, H. Agiwal, H. Yeom, N. Pocquette, K. Sridharan, and F. Pfefferkorn, Materials Today Communications, v, 33, 2022, 104692.
“Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Friction Surfaced 304L Austenitic Stainless Steels”, H. Agiwal, K. Ross, K. Sridharan, F. Pfefferkorn, and H. Yeom, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 22. 3-4, 2022, p. 1641.
“Effect of Grain Size on the Irradiation Response of Grade 91 Steel Subjected to Fe Ion Irradiation at 300 °C”, J. Duan, H. Wen, L. He, K. Sridharan, A. Hoffman, M. Arivu, X. He, R. Islamgaliev, and R. Valiev, Journal of Materials Science, 57, 2022, 13767.
“Potentiodynamic Polarization of Pure Metals and Alloys in Molten LiF-NaF-KF (FLiNaK) using the K/K+ Dynamic Reference Electrode”, W. Doniger, A. Couet, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Electrochemical Society, v. 169, 7, 2022, 071502.
“Microstructural and Nanomechanical Studies of PVD Cr Coatings on SiC for LWR Fuel Cladding Applications” K. Quillin, H. Yeom, T. Dabney, E. Willing, and K. Sridharan, Surface and Coatings Technology, v. 441, 2022, 128577.
“Leak-tight Crack Repair for 304L Stainless Steel using Friction Surfacing”, H. Agiwal, H. Yeom, K. Ross, K. Sridharan and F. Pfefferkorn, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, v. 79, 2022, p.532.
“Development of Axial and Ring Hoop Tension Testing Methods for Nuclear Fuel Cladding Tubes”, D. Kamerman, F. Cappia, K. Wheeler, P. Petersen, E. Rosvall, T. Dabney, H. Yeom, K. Sridharan, M. Ševeček, and J. Schulthess, Nuclear Materials and Energy, v.31, 2022, 101175.
“In-situ Corrosion Monitoring of T91 alloy in Molten Chloride Salt using Miniaturized Electrochemical Probe for High Throughput Applications”, Y. Wang, B. Goh, K. Sridharan, and A. Couet, Analytical Chemistry, (in press) to be published in 2022.
“Integrated High-Throughput Machine Learning Methods to Accelerate Discovery of Molten Salt Corrosion-Resistant Alloys”, Y. Wang, B.Goh, P. Nelaturu, T. Duong, N. Hassan, R. David, M. Moorehead, S. Chaudhuri, A. Creuziger, J. Hattrick-Simpers, D. Thoma, K. Sridharan, and A. Couet, Science Advances, (in press) to be published in 2022.
“Activity Gradient Driven Mass Transport in Molten Fluoride Salt Medium”, C. Falconer, M. Elbakhshwan, W. Doniger, M. Weinstein, K. Sridharan, and A. Couet, npj Materials Degradation, 6, 29, 2022.
“Flow Boiling Critical Heat Flux Enhancement in ZrSi2 Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding with Porous Structures”, M. Kim, H. Noh, G.C. Lee, H. Yeom, T.Y. Kim, J.M. Kim, H. Jo, H.S. Park, K. Sridharan, and M.H. Kim, Applied Thermal Engineering, 207, 2022, 118164.
“Environmental Degradation of Electroplated Nickel and Copper Coated SS316H in Molten FLiNaK Salt”, M. Weinstein, C. Falconer, W. Doniger, L. Bailly-Salins, R. David, K. Sridharan, and A. Couet, Corrosion Science, v. 191, 109735, 2021.
“Temperature-Dependent Properties of Molten Li2BeF4 Salt Using Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics”, K. Baral, S. San, R. Sakidja, A. Couet, K. Sridharan and W.Y. Ching, ACS Omega, 6, 30, 2021, p. 19822.
“Effects of Aluminization via Thermo-Chemical Diffusion on Wear Behavior of Structural Materials for High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors”, J. Kern, V. Pauly, M. Clark, D. Grierson, and K. Sridharan, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 52A, 2021, p. 2463.
“Phase and Defect Evolution in Uranium-Nitrogen-Oxygen System under Irradiation”, L. He, M. Khafizov, C. Jiao, B. Tyburska-Püschel, B. Jaques, P. Xiu, P. Xu, M. Meyer, K. Sridharan, D. Butt, and J. Gan, Acta Materialia, 208, 116778, 2021.
“High Throughput Ion Irradiation of Additively Manufactured Compositionally Complex Alloys”, M. Moorehead, P. Nelaturu, M. Elbakhshwan, C. Parkin, C. Zhang, K. Sridharan, D. Thoma, and A. Couet, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2021, 152782.
“Cold Spray Technology in Nuclear Energy Applications: A Review of Recent Advances”, H. Yeom and K. Sridharan, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 150, 2021, 107835.
“Microstructure, Strength and Irradiation Response of an Ultra-Fine Grained FeNiCoCr Multi-Component Alloy”, J. Duan, L. He, Z. Fu, A. Hoffman, K. Sridharan, and H. Wen, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 851, 2021, 156796.
“Method for Identification of Redox Control Parameters for Corrosion Mitigation in Molten Fluoride Salts”, Y. Wang, K. Sridharan, and A. Couet, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 543, 2021, 152624.
“Wear Performance of Incoloy 800HT and Inconel 617 in Various Surface Conditions for High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Components”,V. Pauly, J. Kern, M. Clark, D. Grierson, and K. Sridharan, Tribology International, 2020, 106715.
“Experimental Evaluation of Direct Current Magnetron Sputtered and High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtered Cr Coatings on SiC for Light Water Reactor Applications”, K. Quillin, H. Yeom, T. Dabney, and K. Sridharan, Thin Solid Films 716, 2020, 138431.
“High Temperature Water Corrosion and Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux of Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding Materials”, H. Yeom, E. Gutierrez, H. Jo, K. Sridharan, and M. Corradini, Nuclear Engineering and Design 370, 2020, 110919.
“Cold Spray Technology in Nuclear Energy Applications: A Review of Recent Advances”, H. Yeom and K. Sridharan, Annals of Nuclear Energy 150, 2021, 107835.
“Microstructure, Strength and Irradiation Response of an Ultra-Fine Grained FeNiCoCr Multi-Component Alloy”, J. Duan, L. He, Z. Fu, A. Hoffman, K. Sridharan, and H. Wen, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (accepted, in press), 2020.
“Non-Galvanic Mass Transport in Molten Fluoride Salt Isothermal Corrosion Cells”, C. Falconer, W. H. Doniger, L. Bailly-Salins, E. Buxton, M. Elbakhshwan, K. Sridharan, and A. Couet, Corrosion Science (accepted, in press), 2020.
“In situ Microstructural Evolution in FCC and BCC Complex Concentrated Solid-Solution Alloys under Heavy Ion Irradiation”, C. Parkin, M. Moorehead, M. Elbakhshwan, K. Sridharan, and Adrien Couet, Acta Materialia (accepted, in press), 2020.
“Enhanced Resistance to Irradiation Induced Ferritic Transformation in Nanostructured Austenitic Steels”, A. Hoffman, M. Arivu, H. Wen, L. He, K. Sridharan, X. Wang, W. Xiong, X. Liu, L. He, and Y. Wu, Materialia (accepted, in press), 2020.
“Investigation of Impurity Driven Corrosion Behavior in Molten 2LiF-BeF2 Salt”, W.H. Doniger, C. Falconer, M. Elbakhshwan, K. Britsch, A. Couet, and K. Sridharan, Corrosion Science 174, 2020, 108823.
“Cold Spray Deposition of 304L Stainless Steel to Mitigate Chloride-Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking in Canisters for Used Nuclear Fuel Storage”, H. Yeom, T. Dabney, N. Pocquette, K. Ross, F. E. Pfefferkorn, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials 538, 2020, 152254.
“Radiation response of FeCrAl-coated Zircaloy-4”, M. Kennas, H. Kim, J. G. Gigax, T. Wang, B.R. Maier, H. Yeom, G.O. Johnson, T. Dabney, K. Sridharan, K.L. Peddicord, and L. Shao, Journal of Nuclear Materials 536, 2020, 152175.
“Influence of Nanoparticle Properties and Laser Settings on the Surface Features Created by Microscale Pulsed Laser Melting”, S. Chen, B. Richter, K. Sridharan, F.E. Pfefferkorn, and M. Eriten, Journal of Manufacturing Processes (accepted, in press), 2020.
“High Throughput Synthesis of Mo-Nb-Ta-W High Entropy Alloys via Additive Manufacturing”, M. Moorehed, K. Bertsch, M. Niezgoda, C. Parkin, M. Elbakhshwan, K. Sridharan, C. Zhang, D. Thoma, and A. Couet, Materials and Design, vol. 187, 2020, 108358..
“Effects of Al and Ti Additions on the Irradiation Behavior of an FeMnNiCr Multi-Principal Element Alloy”, A. Hoffman, L. He, M. Luebbe, H. Pommerenke, J. Duan, P. Cao, K. Sridharan, Z. Lu, and H. Wen, Journal of Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (JOM) (invited, accepted for publication, in press)
“Corrosion and Thermal Stability of CrMnFeNi High Entropy Alloy in Molten FLiBe Salt”, M. Elbakhshwan, W. Doniger, C. Falconer, M. Moorehead, C. Parkin, C. Zhang, K. Sridharan, and A. Couet, Nature’s Scientific Reports, 2019 (accepted for publication, in press).
“Experimental Evaluation of Cold Spray FeCrAl Alloys Coated Zirconium-alloy for Potential Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding” T. Dabney, G. Johnson, H. Yeom, B. Maier, J. Walters, and K. Sridharan, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2019 (accepted, in press).
“High Temperature Oxidation and Microstructural Evolution of Cold Spray Chromium Coatings on Zircaloy-4 in Steam Environments”, H. Yeom, B. Maier, G. Johnson, T. Dabney, M. Lenling, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials 526, 2019, 151737.
“Effectiveness of Cr-Coated Zr-alloy Clad in Delaying Fuel Degradation for a PWR during a Station Black Out Event”, J.Wang, H. Yeom, P. Humrickhouse, K. Sridharan, and M. Corradini, Nuclear Technology 206, August 2019, p. 467-477.
“Evolution of B2 and Laves phases in a Ferritic Steel under Fe2+ Ion Irradiation at 475 °C”,L. He, L. Tan, Y. Yang, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials (accepted, in press), 2019.
“Manufacturing Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steel Fuel Cladding Tubes using the Cold Spray Process”, M. Lenling, H. Yeom, B. Maier, G. Johnson, T. Dabney, J. Graham, P. Hosemann, D. Hoelzer, S. Maloy, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (JOM) 171, 8, 2019, p. 2868.
“Evaluation of Critical Heat Flux of ATF Candidate Coating Materials in Pool Boiling”, H. Jo, H. Yeom, E. Gutierrez, and K. Sridharan, and M. Corradini, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 354, 2019, 110166.
“High-Temperature Tribological Behavior of Structural Materials after Conditioning in Impure-Helium Environments for High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Applications” V. Pauly, C. Tesch, J. Kern, M. Clark, D. Grierson, D. Singh, O. Ajayi, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials 522, 2019, p. 311.
“Radiation Response of Ti2AlC MAX Phase Coated Zircaloy-4 for Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding”, J.G. Gigax, M. Kennas, H. Kim, T. Wang, B.R. Maier, H. Yeom, G.O. Johnson, K. Sridharan, and L. Shao, Journal of Nuclear Materials 523, 2019, p. 26.
“A Novel Approach for Manufacturing Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steel Cladding Tubes using Cold Spray Technology”, B. Maier, M.Lenling, H. Yeom, G. Johnson, S. Maloy, and K. Sridharan, Nuclear Engineering and Technology 51, 4, 2019, p. 1069.
“Application of Voltammetry for Quantitative Analysis of Chromium in Molten 2LiF-BeF2 (FLiBe) Salt”, W. Doniger and K. Sridharan, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 838, 2019, p. 73.
“Development of Cold Spray Chromium Coatings for Improved Accident Tolerant Zirconium-alloy Cladding”, B. Maier, H. Yeom, G. Johnson, T. Dabney, J. Walters, P. Xu, J. Romero, H. Shah, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 519, 2019, p. 247.
“Interface Reactions and Mechanical Properties of FeCrAl-coated Zircaloy-4”, J.G. Gigax, M. Kennas, H. Kim, B.R. Maier, H. Yeom, G.O. Johnson, K. Sridharan, and L. Shao, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 519, 2019, p. 57.
“Improving Deposition Efficiency in Cold Spraying Chromium Coatings by Powder Annealing”, H. Yeom, T. Dabney, G. Johnson, B. Maier, M. Lenling, and K. Sridharan, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 100(5), 2019, p. 1373.
“Natural Circulation FLiBe Loop Overview”, K.Britsch, M. Anderson, P. Brooks, and K. Sridharan, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 134, 2019, p. 970.
“Zirconium-silicide Coating on Zircaloy-4 Substrate for Accident Tolerance: Effects on Oxidation Resistance and Boiling” G.C. Lee, H. Noh, H. Yeom, H. Jo, T.K. Kim, M. Kim, K.Sridharan, and H.S. Park, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 126, 2019, p. 350.
“Best Practices for Preparing Radioactive Specimens for EBSD Analysis”, T. Ajantiwalay, T. Trowbridge, A. Winston, C. Sun, K. Sridharan, and A. Aitkaliyeva, Micron, 118, 2019, p. 1.
“Effect of Supercritical CO2 on the Performance of 740H Fusion Welds”, A. Brittan, J. Mahaffey, M. Anderson, and K. Sridharan, Materials Science & Engineering A, 742, 2019, p. 414.
“Helium Irradiation of Y2O3-Fe Bilayer System”, A. Mairov, D. Frazer, P. Hosemann, and K. Sridharan, Scripta Materialia, 162, 2019, p. 156.
“Radiation-Resistant Nanotwinned Austenitic Stainless Steel”,G. Meric de Bellefon, I.M. Robertson, T.R. Allen, J-C van Duysen, and K. Sridharan, Scripta Materialia, 159, 2019, p.123.
“Redox Potential Control in Molten Salt Systems for Corrosion Mitigation”, J. Zhang, C. W. Forsberg, M. F. Simpson, S. Guo, S. T.Lam, R. O. Scarlat, F. Carotti, K. Chan, P.M. Singh, W. Doniger, K. Sridharan, and J. R. Keiser, Corrosion Science, 144, 2018, p.44.
“In Situ TEM Investigation of Irradiation-induced Defect Formation in Cold Spray Cr Coatings for Accident Tolerant Fuel Applications”, B.R. Maier, H. Yeom, G. Johnson, T. Dabney, J. Hu, P. Baldo, M. Li, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 512, 2018, p.320.
“Enhanced Diffusion of Cr in 20Cr-25Ni Type Alloys under Proton Irradiation at 670oC”, T. Chen, Y. Yang, L. He, B. Tyburska-Pueschel, K. Sridharan, H. Xu, and L. Tan, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 17, 2018, p.142.
“Examining the Influence of Stacking Fault Width on Deformation Twinning in an Austenitic Stainless Steel”, G. Meric de Bellefon, M.N. Gussev, A.D. Stoica, J.C. van Duysen, and K. Sridharan, Scripta Materialia, 157, 2018, p. 162.
“Effect of CO and O2 Impurities on Supercritical CO2 Corrosion of Inconel Alloy 625”, J. Mahaffey, A. Schroeder, D. Adam, A. Brittan, M. Anderson, A. Couet, and K. Sridharan, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49A, 2018, p. 3703.
“Impact of Corrosion on the Emissivity of Advanced Reactor Structural Alloys”, J. L. King, H. Jo, A. Shahsafi, K. Blomstrand, K. Sridharan, and M. A. Kats, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 508, 2018, p. 465.
“Detecting the Oxidation of Zircaloy Claddings by Infrared Interference”, H. Mi, S. Mikael, E. Swinnich, T. Allen, K. Sridharan, D.P. Butt, S. Gong, S.M. McDeavitt, J.P. Blanchard, J.H. Seo, and Z. Ma, NANO, vol.13, No. 2, 2018.
“Corrosion of Structural Alloys in High-Temperature Molten Fluoride Salts for Applications in Molten Salt Reactors”,G. Zheng and K. Sridharan, Journal of Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (JOM), v. 70, 8, 2018, p. 1535.
“Pulsed Laser Remelting of A384 Aluminum, Part II: Modeling of Surface Homogenization and Topographical Effects”, B. Richter, S. Chen, J.D. Morrow, K. Sridharan, M. Eriten, and F.E. Pfefferkorn, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 32, 2018, p. 230.
“Pulsed Laser Remelting of A384 Aluminum, Part I: Measuring Homogeneity and Wear Resistance”, S. Chen, B. Richter, J.D. Morrow, K. Sridharan, F. E. Pfefferkorn, and M. Eriten, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 32, 2018, p. 606.
“Structural Evolution of Oxidized Surface of Zirconium-Silicide under Ion Irradiation”, H. Yeom, L. He, R. Mariani, and K. Sridharan, Applied Surface Science, vol. 455, 2018, p. 333.
“Development of Cold Spray Process for Oxidation-Resistant FeCrAl and Mo Diffusion Barrier Coatings on Optimized ZIRLO™”, H. Yeom, B.R. Maier, G.O. Johnson, T. Dabney, J. Walters, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol.507, 2018, p.306.
“Transient Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of Oxidized and Roughened Zircaloy-4 Surfaces during Water Quenching”, H. Yeom, H. Jo, G.O. Johnson, K. Sridharan, and M. Corradini, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.120, 2018. p.435.
“Development of Cold Spray Coatings for Accident-Tolerant Fuel Cladding in Light Water Reactors”, B.R. Maier, H. Yeom, G.O. Johnson, T. Dabney, J. Walters, J. Romero, H. Shah, P.Xu, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (JOM), 70(2), 2018, p. 198.
“Evaluation of Steam Corrosion and Water Quenching Behavior of Zirconium-Silicide Coated LWR Fuel Claddings”, H. Yeom, C. Lockhart, R. Mariani, P.Xu, M. Corradini, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 499, 2018, p. 256.
“Extreme Ion Irradiation of Oxide Nanoceramics: Influence of the Irradiation Spectrum”, F. García Ferré, A. Mairov, M. Vanazzi, Y. Serruys, F. Lepretre, L. Beck, L. Van Brutzel, A. Chartier, M.G. Beghi, K. Sridharan, and F. Di Fonzo, Acta Materialia, 143, 15, 2018, p. 156.
“Tribochemical Wear of Diamond-like Carbon-coated Atomic Force Microscope Tips”, J. Liu, Y. Jiang, D. Grierson, K. Sridharan, Y. Shao, T. Jacobs, M. Falk, R. Carpick, and K. Turner, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(40), 2017, p. 35341.
“Spectral Emissivity of Oxidized and Roughened Metal Surfaces for Energy Systems”, H. Jo, J. L. King, K. Blomstrand, and K. Sridharan, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115B, 2017, p. 1065.
“Dislocation Loop Evolution during In Situ Ion Irradiation of Model FeCrAl Alloys”, J. Haley, S.A. Briggs, P.D. Edmondson, K. Sridharan, S. Roberts, S. Lozano-Perez, and K.G. Field, Acta Materialia, 136, 2017, p. 390.
“Effects of Surface Roughness, Oxidation, and Temperature on the Emissivity of Reactor Pressure Vessel Alloys”, J. L. King, H. Jo, R. Tirawat, K. Blomstrand, and K. Sridharan, Nuclear Technology, 206, 1, 2017, p. 1.
“Composition-dependence of Stacking Fault Energy in Austenitic Stainless Steels through Linear Regression with Random Intercepts, G. Meric de Bellefon, J.C. van Duysen, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 492, 2017, p. 227.
“Radiation Tolerant Nanoceramic Coatings for Lead Fast Reactor Nuclear Fuel Cladding”, F.G. Ferré, A. Mairov, M.Vanazzi, S. Bassini, M. Utili, M. Tarantino, M. Bargaglia, F.R. Lamastra, F. Nanni, L. Ceseracciu, Y. Serruys, P. Trocellier, L. Beck, K. Sridharan, M.G. Beghi, and F. Di Fonzo, Corrosion Science, accepted (in press) 2017.
“Computation of Total Hemispherical Emissivity from Directional Spectral Models”, J. L. King, H. Jo, S. K. Loyalka, R. V. Tompson, and K. Sridharan, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 109, 2017, p. 894.
“Dislocation Loop Formation in Model FeCrAl Alloys After Neutron Irradiation Below 1 dpa”, K.G. Field, S.A. Briggs, K. Sridharan, Y. Yamamoto, and R.H. Howard, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 495, 2017, p. 20.
“Creep Crack Growth Behavior of Alloys 617 and 800H in Air and Impure Helium Environments at High Temperatures”, D. Grierson, G. Cao, P. Brooks, P. Pezzi, A. Glaudell, D. Kuettel, G. Fischer, T. Allen, K. Sridharan, and W.C. Crone, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E: Materials for Energy Systems, 4, 1, 2017, p. 13.
“A Combined APT and SANS Investigation of a’phase Precipitation in Neutron-Irradiated Model FeCrAl alloys”, S.A. Briggs, P.D. Edmondson, K.C. Littrell, Y. Yamamoto, R.H. Howard, C.R. Daily, K. A. Terrani, K. Sridharan, and K.G. Field, Acta Materialia, 129, 2017, p. 217.
“Magnetron Sputter Deposition of Zirconium-Silicide Coating for Mitigating High Temperature Oxidation of Zirconium-Alloy”, H. Yeom, B. Maier, R. Mariani, D. Bai, S. Fronek, P. Xu, and K. Sridharan, Surface and Coatings Technology, 316, 2017, p. 30.
“Evolution of Small Defect Clusters in Ion-Irradiated 3C-SiC: Combined Cluster Dynamics Modeling and Experimental Study”, C. Liu, L. He, Y. Zhai, B. Tyburska-Püschel, P. M. Voyles, K. Sridharan, D. Morgan, and I. Szlufarska, Acta Materialia, 125, 2017, p. 377.
“Heterogeneous Dislocation Loop formation near Grain Boundaries in a Neutron-Irradiated Commercial FeCrAl alloy”, K.G. Field, S.A. Briggs, X. Hu, Y.Yamamoto, R.A. Howard, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 483, 2017, p. 54.
“Effect of Carbon Ion Irradiation on Ag Diffusion in SiC”, B. Leng, H. Ko, T.J. Gerczak, J. Deng, A.J. Giordani, J.L. Hunter, D.D. Morgan, I. Szlufarska, K. Sridharan,Journal of Nuclear Materials,471, 2016, p. 220.
“Size Distribution of Black Spot Defects and their Contribution to Swelling in Ion Irradiated Silicon Carbide”, B.Tyburska-Püschel, Y. Zhai, L. He, C. Liu, A. Boulle, P. Voyles, I. Szlufarska, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 476, 2016, p. 132.
“Observations of Defect Structure Evolution in Proton and Nickel Ion Irradiated Ni-Cr Binary Alloys”, S.A. Briggs, C.M. Barr, J. Pakarinen, M. Mamivand, K. Hattar, D.D. Morgan, M. Taheri, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 479, 2016, p. 48.
“Laser Surface Annealing and Characterization of Ti2AlC PVD Coating on Zirconium-alloy Substrate”, H. Yeom, B.J. Hauch, G. Cao, B.L. Garcia-Diaz, M. Martinez-Rodriguez, H. Colon-Mercado, L.C. Olson, and K. Sridharan, Thin Solid Films, 615, 2016, p. 202.
“STEM-EDS Analysis of Fission Products in Neutron-Irradiated TRISO Fuel Particles from AGR-1 Experiment”, B. Leng, I.J. van Rooyen, Y.Q. Wu, I. Szlufarska, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 475, 2016, p. 62.
“High Temperature Corrosion of Structural Alloys in Molten Li2BeF4 (FLiBe) Salt”, G. Zheng, D. Carpenter, L. Hu, and K. Sridharan, Ceramic Transactions,vol. 260, 2016, p.93.
“Irradiation-induced Intermixing Effects at the Interfaces of Titanium and Titanium- dioxide Thin Films and Fe-12%Cr Substrate”, A. Mairov and K. Sridharan, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 336, 2016, p. 38.
“Irradiation-Enhanced alpha’ Precipitation in Model FeCrAl Alloys”, P. D. Edmondson, S. A. Briggs, Y. Yamamoto, R. H. Howard, K. Sridharan, K. A. Terrani, and K. G. Field, Scripta Materialia, 116, 2016, p. 112.
“High Temperature Corrosion Testing of Uranium Silicide Surrogates”, K. Urso, K. Sridharan, B.J. Jaques, G. Alanko, D.P. Butt, M. Meyer, P. Xu, and B.Tyburska-Püschel, Nuclear Technology, 196, 1, 2016, p. 100.
“Evolution of Multi-Layered Scale Structures during High Temperature Oxidation of ZrSi2”, H. Yeom, B.R. Maier, R. Mariani, D. Bai, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Materials Research, 31, 21, 2016, p. 3409.
“Effect of Temperature and Oxygen Impurity Concentration on High Temperature Corrosion of Haynes 230 in Supercritical Carbon-dioxide”, J. Mahaffey, D. Adam, A. Brittan, M. Anderson, and K. Sridharan, Oxidation of Metals, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-016-9654-8, October 2016.
“Radiation Endurance in Al2O3 Nanoceramics”, F. García Ferré, A. Mairov, L. Ceseracciu, Y. Serruys, P. Trocellier, C. Baumier, O. Kaïtasov, R. Brescia, D. Gastaldi, P. Vena, M.G. Beghi, L. Beck, K. Sridharan, and F. Di Fonzo, Nature Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep33478 October, 2016.
“Corrosion-Induced Microstructural Developments in 316 Stainless Steel during Exposure to Molten Li2Be4 (FLiBe) Salt”, G. Zheng, L. He, D. Carpenter, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 482, 2016, p. 147.
“Correlative Microscopy of Neutron-Irradiated Materials”, S.A. Briggs, K. Sridharan, and K.G. Field, Advanced Materials & Processes, 174, 10, 2016, p. 16.
“Observed Redox Potential Range of Li2BeF4 Using a Dynamic Reference Electrode”, B. Kelleher, K. Dolan, M. Anderson, and K. Sridharan, Nuclear Technology, 195, 3, 2016, p. 239.
“Bubble Dynamics in Pool Boiling on Nanoparticle Coated Surfaces”, H. Yeom, K. Sridharan, and M.L. Corradini, Heat Transfer Engineering, 36(12) 2015, p.1013.
“Corrosion of 316 Stainless Steel in High Temperature Molten Li2BeF4 (FLiBe) Salt”, G. Zheng, B. Kelleher, G. Cao, M. Anderson, K. Sridharan, T. R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 416, 2015, p. 143.
“Corrosion Resistance of PM2000 ODS Steel in High Temperature Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, V. Firouzdor, G. Cao, K. Sridharan, M.H. Anderson, and T. R. Allen, Materials and Corrosion, 66 (2), 2015, p. 137.
“Experimental Method for Creep Crack Growth Testing in Controlled Environments at High Temperatures”, D. Grierson, G. Cao, P. Brooks, P. Pezzi, A. Glaudell, D. Kuettel, G. Fisher, T. Allen, K. Sridharan, and W.C. Crone, Experimental Mechanics, 55, 2, 2015, p. 417.
“Observations of Ag Diffusion in Ion Implanted SiC”,T.J. Gerczak,B. Leng, K. Sridharan, J.L. Hunter, A.J. Giordani, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials,461, 2015, p. 314.
“Evidence for Cascade Overlap and Grain Boundary Enhanced Amorphization in Silicon Carbide Irradiated with Kr ions”, X. Wang, L. Jamison, K.Sridharan, D. Morgan, P. M. Voyles, and I. Szlufarska, Acta Materialia, vol. 99, 2015, p. 7.
“Impact of Corrosion Test Container Material in Molten Fluorides”, L.C. Olson, R. Fuentes, M.J. Martinez-Rodriguez, J.W. Ambrosek, K. Sridharan, M.H. Anderson, B.L. Garcia-Diaz, J. Gray, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering,v. 137(6), 061007, 2015.
“Boiling Performance and Material Robustness of Modified Surfaces with Multi-Scale Structures for Fuel Cladding Development”, H. Jo, J.M. Kim, H. Yeom, G.C. Lee, H.S. Park, M. Kiyofumi, M.H. Kim, K. Sridharan, and M.L. Corradini, Nuclear Engineering & Design, vol. 291, 2015, p.204.
“Simulation of Solar Wind Space Weathering in Orthopyroxene”, K.R. Kuhlman, K. Sridharan, and A. Kvit, Planetary and Space Science, 115, 2015, p. 110.
“Cold Spray Deposition of Ti2AlC Coatings for Improved Nuclear Fuel Cladding”, B.R. Maier, B.L. Garcia-Diaz, B. Hauch, L.C. Olson, R.L. Sindelar, and K. Sridharan, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 466, 2015, p. 712.
“High Temperature Corrosion of Hastelloy N in Molten Li2BeF4 (FLiBe) Salt” G. Zheng*, B. Kelleher, L. He, G. Cao*, M.H. Anderson, T.R. Allen, and K. Sridharan, Corrosion, 71/10, 2015, p. 1257.
“Batch Scale Hydrofluorination of 7Li2BeF4 to Support Molten Salt Reactor Development”, B.C. Kelleher, K.P. Dolan, P. Brooks, M.H. Anderson, and K. Sridharan, ASME Journal of Nuclear Radiation Sciences, 1(4), 041010, 2015,
“Monitoring the Oxidation of Nuclear Fuel Cladding Using Raman Spectroscopy”, H. Mi, S. Mikael, T.R. Allen, K. Sridharan, D. Butt, J. Blanchard, and Z. Ma, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 445, 1-3, 2014, p. 7.
“Understanding How Materials Corrode in Nuclear Reactors”, K. Sridharan, Advanced Materials and Processes, (invited article) January 2014.
“Corrosion of 316L Stainless Steel and Hasetlloy N Superalloy in Molten Eutectic LiF-NaF-KF Salt and Interaction with Graphite”, R.S. Sellers, W.J. Cheng, B.C. Kelleher, M.H. Anderson, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Nuclear Technology, 188(2), 2014, p. 192.
“Relationship Between Lath Boundary Structure and Radiation Induced Segregation in a Neutron Irradiated 9 wt.% Cr Model Ferritic/Martensitic Steel”, K.G. Field, B.D. Miller, H.J. Chichester, K. Sridharan and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 445, 1-3, 2014, p. 143.
“Corrosion Behavior of an Alumina Forming Austenitic Steel Exposed to Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, L. He, P. Roman, B. Leng, K. Sridharan, M. Anderson, and T.R. Allen, Corrosion Science, 82, 2014, p. 67.
“Characterization of Structural Defects in Nuclear Graphite IG-110 and NBG-18”, G. Zheng, P. Xu, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 446, 1-3, 2014, p. 193.
“Electrochemical Studies and Analysis of 1 -10 wt% Uranium-TrichlorideConcentration in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic”, R. Hoover, M.Shaltry, S.O. Martin, K. Sridharan, and S. Phongikaroon, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 452, 2014, p. 389.
“Failure Analysis of 316 Stainless Steel Crucible by Molten Fluoride Salt Interaction with Clay Bonded Silicon Carbide, R.S. Sellers, M.H. Anderson, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Engineering Failure Analysis, 42, 2014, p. 38.
“Stability of Nanoclusters in 14YWT Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steel under Heavy Ion-Irradiation by Atom Probe Tomography”, J. He, F. Wan, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen, A. Certain, V. Shutthanandan, Y.Q. Wu, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 455, 1-3, 2014, p. 41.
“Phenomenology, Methods and Experimental Program for Fluoride-Salt Cooled, High-Temperature Reactors (FHRs)”, N. Zweibaum, G. Cao, A.T. Cisneros, B. Kelleher, M.R. Laufer, R.O. Scarlat, J.E. Seifried, M.H. Anderson, C.W. Forsberg, E. Greenspan, L.W. Hu, P.F. Peterson and K. Sridharan,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol. 77, 2014, p. 390.
“Response of 9Cr-ODS steel to proton irradiation at 400 °C”, J. He, F. Wan, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen, A. Certain, and Y.Q. Wu, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 452, 1-3, 2014, p. 97.
“Advanced Heat Exchanger Development for Molten Salts”, P. Sabharwall, D. Clark, M. Glazoff, G. Zheng, K. Sridharan, and M.H. Anderson, Nuclear Engineering & Design, 280, 2014, p. 42.
“Temperature and Irradiation Species Dependence of Radiation Response of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide”, L.M. Jamison, K. Sridharan, S. Shannon, and I. Szlufarska, Journal of Materials Research, 29 (23), 2014, p. 2871.
Corrosion of Stainless Steel and Nickel-based Alloys in High Temperature Supercritical Carbon-Dioxide Environment, V. Firouzdor, K. Sridharan, G. Cao. M. Anderson, and T.R. Allen, Corrosion Science, v 69, 2013, p. 281.
Thermomechanical Treatment for Improved Neutron Irradiation Resistance of Austenitic Alloy (Fe-21Cr-32Ni)”, L. Tan, J.T. Busby, H.J.M. Chichester, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 437, 1-3, 2013, p. 7.
“Development Protective Titanium Coating using Electrophoretic Deposition Method for Mitigation of Fuel-Cladding Chemical Interactions”, V. Firouzdor, J. Brechtl, L. Wilson, B. Semerau, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Surface and Coating Technology, 219, 25, 2013, p. 59.
“A Study of Nanoparticle Surface Modification Effects on Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux”, G. Stange, H.Yeom, B. Semerau, K.Sridharan, and M.Corradini, Nuclear Technology, 182, 3, 2013, p.286.
“Zirconium Effect on the Corrosion Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel Alloy and Hastelloy-N Superalloy in Molten Fluoride Salt”, W.J. Cheng, R.S. Sellers, M. H. Anderson, K. Sridharan, C.J. Wang, and T.R. Allen, Nuclear Technology, 183, 2013, p. 248.
“Electrophoretic Deposition of Diffusion Barrier Titanium Oxide Coatings for Nuclear Reactor Cladding Applications”, V. Firouzdor, J. Brechtl, B. Hauch, K. Sridharan; and T.R Allen, Applied Surface Science, 282, 1, 2013, p. 798.
“Development of Diffusion Barrier coating using Electrophoretic Deposition of Yitria-stablized Zirconia (YSZ) for Mitigation of Fuel-Cladding Chemical Interactions”, V. Firouzdor, J. Brechtl, L. Wilson, B. Semerau, K. Sridharan and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 438, 1, 2013, p. 268.
“Electrochemical Properties of Rare Earth Chlorides in Molten LiCl-KCl for Nuclear Waste Separation”, S.O. Martin, J.C. Sager, K. Sridharan, M. Mohammadian, and T.R. Allen, Ceramic Transactions: Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Energy Technologies II, 241, 2013, p. 103.
“Spectral Emissivity Measurements of Candidate Materials for Very High Temperature Reactors”, G. Cao, S.J. Weber, S.O. Martin, M.H. Anderson, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 251, 2012, p. 78.
“Oxidation Behavior of Grain Boundary Engineered Alloy 690 in Supercritical Water Environment”, P. Xu, L. Y. Liang, K. Sridharan, and T. R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 422, 1, 2012, p. 143.
“Development of Diffusion Barrier Coatings for Mitigation of Fuel-Cladding Chemical Interactions”, V. Firouzdor, L. Wilson, K. Sridharan, B. Semerau, B. J. Hauch, J. Brechtl, and T.R. Allen, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 507, 2012, p.3.
“Corrosion of Alloys in High Temperature Supercritical Carbon-Dioxide”, G. Cao, V. Firouzdor, K. Sridharan, M. Anderson, and T.R. Allen, Corrosion Science, 60, 2012, p. 246.
“Wear-Resistant Nanoscale Silicon Carbide Tips for Scanning Probe Applications”, M.A. Lantz, B. Gotsmann, P. Jaroenapibal, T.D. Jacobs, S.D. O’Connor, K Sridharan, and R.W. Carpick, Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 22(8), 2012, p. 1639.
“Nickel-Plating for Active Metal Dissolution Resistance in Molten Fluoride Salts”; L.C. Olson, K. Sridharan, M.H. Anderson, and T. R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 411, 1-3, 2011, p.51.
“High Temperature Electrochemistry of Molten Fluoride Salt for Measurement of Dissolved Chromium”; D. Ludwig, L.C. Olson, K. Sridharan, M.H. Anderson, and T.R. Allen, Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, 46, 4, 2011, p. 360.
“Radiation Resistance of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide”; L.M. Jamison, P. Xu, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Nuclear Technology II: Ceramics Transactions, vol. 227, 2011, p. 161.
“Microstructural Analysis of Nuclear Graphites IG-110 and NBG-18 for Estimating Graphite Sorptivity in TRISO fuel particles for VHTR”; G. Zheng, P. Xu, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Nuclear Technology II: Ceramics Transactions, vol. 227, 2011, p. 251.
“A Facility for in-situ Measurements of High Temperature Spectral Emissivity of Materials for Very High Temperature Reactor Applications”; G. Cao, S. J. Weber, S. O. Martin, T. L. Malaney, S. R. Slattery, M. H. Anderson, K. Sridharan and T. R. Allen, Nuclear Technology, vol. 175, No. 2, 2011, p. 460.
“Design, Fabrication and Testing of Ceramic Plate Type Heat Exchangers with Integrated Flow Channel Design”, J. Schmidt, M. Scheiffele, M. Crippa, P. F. Peterson, E. Urquiza, K. Sridharan, Y. Chen, L.C. Olson, M.H. Anderson, and T.R. Allen, International Journal of Applied Ceramics Technology, vol. 8, 5, 2011, p. 1073.
“Evolution of Carbide Precipitates in 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel during Long-Term Service in a Power Plant”, Y. Yong, Y. Chen, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science A, 41A(6), 2010, p.1441.
“Intergranular Corrosion of High Temperature Alloys in Molten Fluoride Salts”, L.C. Olson, K. Sridharan, M.H. Anderson, and T.R. Allen , Materials at High Temperatures, vol. 27, 2, 2010, p.145.
“Corrosion of Alumina-forming Austenitic steel Fe-20Ni-14Cr-3Al-0.6Nb-0.1Ti in Supercritical Water”; S.Nie, Y. Chen, X. Ren, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials,399, 2010, p.231.
“Ultra-Low Nanoscale Wear through Atom-by-Atom Attrition in Silicon-Containing Diamond-Like Carbon”, H. Bhaskaran, B. Gottsmann, A. Sebastien, U. Drechsler, M.A. Lantz, M. Despont, P. Jaroenapibal, R. Carpick, Y. Chen, and K. Sridharan, Nature Nanotechnology,vol.5, March 2010, p. 181.
“Incorporation of Gadolinium and Boron into Zirconium alloy: Surface Alloying of Immiscible Materials using an Intense Pulsed Ion Beam”, T.J. Renk, K. Sridharan, S.P. Harrington, A.K. Johnson, and E.J. Lahoda, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B268, 2010, p. 2266.
“Molten Salts for Nuclear Cogeneration”, L.C. Olson, J.W. Ambrosek, G. Cao, K. Sridharan, M.H. Anderson, and T.R. Allen, Ceramic Transactions,vol. 222, 2010, p.145.
“Effect of Grain Refinement on Corrosion of Ferritic-Martensitic Steels in Supercritical Water Environment”; X. Ren, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion, vol. 61, 9, 2010, p.748.
“Materials Corrosion in Molten Salt LiF-NaF-KF Salt”; L.C. OLson, J.W. Ambrosek, K. Sridharan, M.H. Anderson, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, vol. 130, 2009, p. 6773.
“Current Status of Knowledge of the Fluoride Salt (FLiNaK) Heat Transfer”; J.W. Ambrosek, M.H. Anderson, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Nuclear Technology, 165, 2, 2009, p. 166.
“Microstructure Tailoring for Property Improvements by Grain Boundary Engineering”; L. Tan, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen, R. Nanstad, and D. McClintock, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 374, 2008, p. 270.
“Materials Challenges for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems”; T.R. Allen, K. Sridharan, L. Tan, W.E. Windes, J.I. Cole, D.C. Crawford, and G.S. Was, Nuclear Technology, vol. 162, 3, 2008, p. 342.
“Biocompatibility of Uncoated and Diamond-like Carbon Coated Ti-20%Hf Alloy”; S.D. Kuhn, K. Sridharan, Z.Hao, P.Muir, M.Suresh, A.Singh, and S.V. Raj, Materials Science and Technology, vol. 24, 5, 2008, p. 575.
“Microstructure and Properties of Functionally Graded Al-Mg-B Composites Fabricated by Centrifugal Casting”; Z.H. Melgarejo, O.M. Suarez, and K. Sridharan, Composites A, vol. 39, 2008, p. 1150.
“Altering Corrosion Response via Grain Boundary Engineering”; L. Tan, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Materials Science Forum, vol. 595-598, 2008, p. 409.
“Effect of Shot Peening on the Oxidation of Alloy 800H Exposed to Supercritical Water and Cyclic Oxidation”; L. Tan, X. Ren, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Corrosion Science, vol. 50, 2008, p. 2040.
“Corrosion Behavior of Ni-Based Alloys for Advanced High Temperature Water-Cooled Nuclear Plants”; L. Tan, X. Ren, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Corrosion Science, vol. 50, 2008, p. 3056.
“Oxidation of Plasma Surface Modified Zirconium Alloy in Pressurised High Temperature Water”; K. Sridharan, S.P. Harrington, A.K. Johnson, J.R. Licht, M.H. Anderson, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Materials and Design, vol. 28, 4, 2007, p. 1177.
“The Role of Grain Boundary Engineering in the SCC behavior of F-M alloy HT-9 in Supercritical Water”; G. Gupta, P. Ampornrat, X. Ren, K. Sridharan, T. R. Allen, and G. S. Was, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 361, 2007, p. 160.
“Small Amplitude Reciprocating Wear Performance of Diamond-Like Carbon Films: Dependence of Film Composition and Counterface Material”; J.A. Bares, A.V. Sumant, D.S. Grierson, R.W. Carpick, and K. Sridharan, Tribology Letters, vol. 27, 1, 2007, p. 79.
“Corrosion Behavior of Alloys 625 and 718 in Supercritical Water”; X. Ren, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Corrosion, vol. 63, 7, 2007, p. 603.
“Corrosion behavior of Ferritic-Martensitic steel HCM12A Exposed to Harsh Environments”; L. Tan, M.T. Machut, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 371, 2007, p. 161.
“Effect of Thermomechanical Processing on Grain Boundary Character Distribution of a Ni-based Superalloy”; L. Tan, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 371, 2007, p. 171.
“Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking in Supercritical Water”; G.S. Was, P. Ampornrat, G. Gupta, S. Teysseyre, E.A. West, T.R. Allen, K. Sridharan, L. Tan, Y. Chen, X. Ren, and C. Pister, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 371, 2007, p. 176.
“Oxidation of 9Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steel Exposed in Supercritical Water”; Y. Chen, K. Sridharan, S. Ukai, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 371, 2007, p. 118.
“Time Dependence of Corrosion in Steels for use in Lead-Alloy Cooled Reactors”; M.T. Machut, K. Sridharan, N. Li, S. Ukai, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 371, 2007, p. 134.
“The Effect of Grain Boundary Engineering on the Oxidation Behavior of INCOLOY alloy 800H in Supercritical Water”; L. Tan, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 348, 2006, p. 263.
“Wear Resistance of a Functionally-Graded Aluminum Matrix Composite”; Z.H. Melgarejo, O.M. Suarez, and K. Sridharan, Scripta Materialia, vol. 55, 1, 2006, p. 95.
“Corrosion Behavior of Ferritic?-Martensitic Steel T91 in Supercritical Water”; Y. Chen, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Corrosion Science, vol. 48, 9, 2006, p. 2843.
“Microstructural Examination of Oxide Layers formed on an Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steel Exposed to Supercritical Water”; Y. Chen, K. Sridharan, T.R. Allen, and S. Ukai, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 359, 2006, p 50.
“Corrosion of Ferritic-Martensitic Steel HT9 in Supercritical Water”; X. Ren, K. Sridharan, and T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 358, 2/3, 2006, p. 227.
“Effects of Oxygen Ion Implantation on Wear Behavior of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy”; L. Tan, G. Shaw, K. Sridharan, and W.C. Crone, Mechanics of Materials, vol. 37/10, 2005, p. 1059.
“Application of Hydrocarbon Plasmas for Modifying Near-Surface Characteristics of Bearing Steel”; K. Sridharan, E.H. Wilson, D.F. Lawrence, and J.R. Jacobs, Applied Surface Science, 222, 2004, p. 208.
“Atomic Scale Friction and its Connections to Fracture Mechanics”; R.W. Carpick, E.E. Flater, K. Sridharan, D.F. Ogletree, and M. Salmeron, Journal of Materials, October 2004, p. 48.
“The Effect of Surface Chemistry and Structure on Nano-Scale Adhesion and Friction”; R.W. Carpick, E.E. Flater, and K. Sridharan, Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 90, 2004, p. 197.
“Fretting Wear Study of Surface Modified NiTi Shape Memory Alloy”; L. Tan, W.C. Crone and K. Sridharan, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 13, 2002, p. 501.
“Evaluation of Four Commercially Produced Surface Treatments”; J.R. Diebel, K. Sridharan, and S.J. Bull, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 10(3), 2001, p. 263.
“Wear-Corrosion Comparisons of Passivating vs Nonpassivating Alloys in Aerated 3.5% Aqueous Solution of NaCl”: N. Latona, P. Fetherston, A. Chen, K. Sridharan, & R.A. Dodd, Corrosion, 57/10, 2001, p. 884.
“Surface Modification on 304 SS by Plasma-Immersed Ion Implantation to improve the Adherence of a CVD Diamond Film”, M.C.A. Nono, E.J. Corat, M. Ueda, C. Stellati, J.J. Barroso, J.R. Conrad, M. Shamim, P. Fetherston, and K. Sridharan, Surface and Coatings Technology, 112, 1-3, p. 295, 1999.
“Advances in PSII Techniques for Surface Modification”; K.C. Walter, M. Nastasi, N.P. Baker, C.P. Munson, W.K. Scarborough, J.T. Scheuer, B.P. Wood, J.R. Conrad, K. Sridharan, S. Malik, R.A. Breun, Surface and Coatings Technology, 103/104, p. 205, 1998.
“Distribution of Incident Ions and Retained Dose Analysis for a Wedge-Shaped Target in Plasma Source Ion Implantation”; S.M. Malik, D.E. Mueller, K. Sridharan, R.P. Fetherston, N. Tran, and J.R. Conrad, Journal of Applied Physics, 77 (3), 1995, p.1015.
“Chromium Plating Pollution Source Reduction by Plasma Source Ion Implantation”; A. Chen, X. Qiu, K. Sridharan et al, Surface and Coatings Technology, 82, 1996, p. 305.
“An Evaluation of Metallic Coatings for Erosive Wear Resistance in Die Casting Applications”; R. Shivpuri, Y. Chu, K. Venkateshan, J.R. Conrad, K. Sridharan, M. Shamim, and R.P. Fetherston, Wear, 192, 1996, p. 49.
“A Fretting Wear Study of Nitrogen Implanted Titanium Alloy”; N. Horswill, K. Sridharan, and J.R. Conrad, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 14, 1995, p.1349.
“Microstructure Control in Alloy Steel Powders”; K. Sridharan and J.H. Perepezko, International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, 30 (3), 1994, p. 301.
“Sputter Deposition of Tantalum-Nitride Films on Copper using an RF-Plasma”; K.C. Walter, R.P. Fetherston, K. Sridharan, A. Chen, M. Shamim, and J.R. Conrad, Materials Research Bulletin, 29 (8), 1994, p. 827.
“Plasma Source Ion Implantation\”; R. Reeber and K. Sridharan, Advanced Materials and Processes, 12/1994, p.21.
“Use of Nitrogen Implanted Chromium Overcoat for Improving the Durability of Thin-Film Magnetic Media”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, D.E. Muller, K.C. Walter, K. Sridharan, J.R. Conrad, and S. Aggarwal, 1 (4), 1992, p. 489.
“A Machine for Fretting Wear Testing of Plasma Surface Modified Materials”; P. W. Sandstrom, K. Sridharan, and J. R. Conrad, Wear, 166, 1993, p. 163.
“Plasma Source Ion Implantation: An Environmentally Acceptable Alternative to Wet Chemical Plating”; J.R. Conrad, K. Sridharan, M.M.Shamim et al, International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing, 2 (1), 1993, p.61.
“Sheath Dynamics and Dose Analysis in Planar Targets in Plasma Source Ion Implantation”; S.M. Malik, R.P. Fetherston, K. Sridharan, and J.R. Conrad, Plasma Sources – Science and Technology, 2 (2) 1993, p. 81.
“Martensitic Transformation and Invar Effect in Fe-Ni-Co Alloys”; K. Sridharan, F.J. Worzala, and R.A. Dodd, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 30, 2, 1992, p. 115.
“Carbon Ion Implantation of Pure Iron”; K. Sridharan, J.R. Conrad, R.A. Dodd, and F.J. Worzala, Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 26, 1992, p. 1037.
“Nitrogen Plasma Source Ion Implantation of AISI S1 Tool Steel”; A.M. Redsten, K. Sridharan, F.J. Worzala, and J.R. Conrad, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 30, 1992, p. 253.
“Heat Treatment and Microstructure of a Fe-Ni-Co Invar Alloy Strengthened by Intermetallic Precipitation”; K. Sridharan, F.J. Worzala, and R.A. Dodd, Materials Characterization, 29 (3), 1992, p. 321.
“Ion Beam Enhanced Deposition of Titanium Nitride on Inconel 718”; K. Sridharan, K.C. Walter, and J.R. Conrad, Materials Research Bulletin, 26, 5, 1991, p. 367.
“Surface Modification of Ti-6Al-4V Surgical Alloy by Plasma Source Ion Implantation”; A. Chen, K. Sridharan, J.R. Conrad, and R.P. Fetherston, Surface and Coatings Technology, 50, 1991, p. 1.
“Elevated Temperature Nitrogen Ion Implantation of Incoloy Alloys 908 and 909 using PSII Process”; K. Sridharan, J.R. Conrad, F.J. Worzala, and R.A. Dodd, Materials Science and Engineering, A128, 1990, p. 259.
“A Technique for Determination of Microhardness Profiles Across Thin Surface Diffusion Layers”; K. Sridharan, A.M. Redsten, F.J. Worzala, R.A. Dodd, and J.R. Conrad, Thin Solid Films, 175, 1989, p. 153.