Collaboration with Indian Institute of Science Leads to the Application of Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Mechanical Behavior of Neutron Irradiated Materials  

Collaboration of NAMRG with Indian Institute of Science (IISc), a premier scientific and educational institution in Bangalore, India has led to two scientific publications on the application of Machine Learning (ML) tools to predict mechanical properties of neutron irradiated  steels: (i)   “Machine Learning-Based Predictions of Yield Strength for Neutron-Irradiated Ferritic/Martensitic Steels”, N.J. Sai, P. Rathore, K. Sridharan, and A. Chauhan, Fusion Engineering and Designvol. 195, 113964, 2023 and (ii) “Establishing a Machine-Learning Approach for Predicting Outer-Diametral Strains in Neutron-Irradiated Ferritic/Martensitic (F/M) Steels Tubes”, N.J. Sai, K. Sridharanand A. Chauhan, Progress in Nuclear Energy, vol. 177, 105418, 2024.  ML-based prediction approaches are particularly impactful in this area because of costs and scarcity of resources to neutron irradiate the steels and then conduct mechanical testing.