Collaboration of NAMRG with Indian Institute of Science (IISc), a premier scientific and educational institution in Bangalore, India has led to two scientific publications on the application of Machine Learning (ML) tools to predict mechanical properties of neutron irradiated steels: (i) “Machine Learning-Based Predictions of Yield Strength for Neutron-Irradiated Ferritic/Martensitic Steels”, N.J. Sai, P. Rathore, K. Sridharan, and A. Chauhan, Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 195, 113964, 2023 and (ii) “Establishing a Machine-Learning Approach for Predicting Outer-Diametral Strains in Neutron-Irradiated Ferritic/Martensitic (F/M) Steels Tubes”, N.J. Sai, K. Sridharan, and A. Chauhan, Progress in Nuclear Energy, vol. 177, 105418, 2024. ML-based prediction approaches are particularly impactful in this area because of costs and scarcity of resources to neutron irradiate the steels and then conduct mechanical testing.