The Nuclear and Applied Materials Research Group was recently awarded $1,300,000 in federal grants through the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program.
Assistant Scientist Hwasung Yeom received $500,000 for the “Investigation of Degradation Mechanisms of Cr-coated Zirconium Alloy Cladding in Reactivity Initiated Accidents (RIA).” This project aims to collect the thermal, mechanical, and irradiation performance data necessary to accelerate the licensing of Cr-coated zirconium alloy fuel cladding. The Transient Reactor Test Facility (TREAT) at Idaho National Laboratory will be used to study the behavior of the Cr-coated cladding at prototypical Reactivity Initiated Accident conditions.
Professor Kumar Sridharan received $799,838 for “Surface Peening and Hybrid Surface Engineering Approaches to Mitigate Initiation and Resurgence of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Dry Cask Storage Stainless Steel Canisters.” Surface peening technologies including shot peening, ultrasonic peening, and laser peening will be investigated as a means to extend the lifetime of stainless steel spent fuel storage canisters through the mitigation and prevention of chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking.
An article from the College of Engineering can be found here.