Group members had the opportunity to present research at The Minerals, Metals & Materials 2022 Annual Meeting held in a hybrid format in Anaheim, CA and online from February 27th-March 3rd.
Professor Kumar Sridharan served as the organizer and chair for many symposia and sessions in the areas of nuclear materials, molten salt corrosion, and accident tolerant fuels.
Assistant Scientist Dr. Hwasung Yeom gave two presentations entitled “Manufacturing of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steel Fuel Cladding Tubes Using Cold Spray Technology” and “Progress on Experimental Investigation of Degradation Mechanisms of ATF Coated Cladding under Transient Conditions.”
Graduate student Will Doniger gave a presentation entitled “Electrochemical Studies of Structural Alloy Corrosion in LiF-NaFKF (FLiNaK) at 700 °C.”
Graduate student Tyler Dabney gave a presentation entitled “Role of Powder Microstructure and Mechanical Properties on Deposition and Properties of Cold Spray Cr Coatings.”
Graduate student Kyle Quillin gave a presentation entitled “Development of PVD Cr Coatings for Hydrothermal Corrosion Resistance of SiC-SiCf Fuel Cladding in LWRs.”
Graduate student Nick Pocquette gave a presentation entitled “Cold Spray Process to Combat Potential Stress Corrosion Cracking in Used Nuclear Fuel Storage Stainless Steel Canisters.”
Graduate student John Lacy gave a presentation entitled “Peening Technologies to Mitigate Initiation and Resurgence of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Dry Cask Storage Stainless Steel Canisters.”
Graduate student Evan Willing presented a poster entitled “Investigation of Degradation Mechanism of Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Coated Cladding Concepts during Interim Storage and Transportation of Used Nuclear Fuels.”