Dr. Hwasung Yeom recently was awarded a $800,000 grant from the Nuclear energy University Program (NEUP) for his proposal on “Post-DNB thermo-mechanical behavior of near-term ATF designs in simulated transient conditions.” This research combines modeling and experiments to investigate the thermo-mechanical performance of Cr-coated Zr-alloy cladding under thermal transient conditions (> 1200 °C).
Fuel fragmentation relocation and dispersal (FFRD) will be studied by high temperature steam exposure immediately followed by water quenching of pre-ruptured specimens. A variety of mechanical tests and characterization techniques will be used to study both cladding-coolant and fuel-coolant interactions. Overall, this research seeks to predict the complex thermal and mass transport phenomena of near-term Accident Tolerant Fuel designs in accident conditions.
A link to the College of Engineering article can be found here.