Student Completes Research Project Through High School Science Research Internship Program

The 11th Grade High School Science Research Internship Program is a partnership between the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 11th grade students from MMSD are partnered with researchers at UW-Madison each summer. The goal of the program is to provide an authentic science research experience for the intern. As the summer ends, interns design a scientific poster and the concluding event of the program is a scientific poster session. This allows the interns to communicate their findings to a larger audience and also to celebrate the completion of their internship with associates from the university, teachers, friends and family.

High School Student Charles Hua studied the effect of shot-peening on oxidation behavior of nuclear light water reactor fuel cladding material under the direction of Dr. Sridharan and Sung Yeom. The year following this project, Charles was accepted into Harvard University. See his research abstract here.